life coaching rests mindset goal setting purpose mission vision career love action plan change
life coaching rests mindset goal setting purpose mission vision career love action plan change

What is stopping you from having the life you want?

  • Do you feel like you need more from life?

  • Do you find your life is busy, chaotic or reactive?

  • Do you spend all of your energy doing low-value tasks?

  • Do you feel off-balance or perhaps that you are not paying the right level of attention to the important areas of your life?

  • Do you feel like something is missing?

  • Do you feel like you need to re-evaluate your life but have no idea where to start?

  • Do you have feelings of existential frustration whereby your life's purpose is lacking or skewed?

If you answered "yes" to any of the above, then Rise's Life Resets might be right for you.

The vast majority of people spend very little time thinking about what they really want from life and how they can achieve their hopes and dreams. Without a guiding vision, it may be far more difficult to achieve a full, balanced and rewarding life. Research shows that having high levels of balance and purpose is associated with a range of beneficial mental and physical health outcomes, including increased longevity, increased immune function, reduced anxiety and increased overall life satisfaction (Cohen, Bavishi, & Rozanski, 2016; Eakman, 2013; Hui & Fung, 2009; Ishida, 2012). Finding balance and purpose is where Life Resets can be of assistance. Rise's Life Resets will help you describe and build a balanced life that offers completeness and satisfaction, all based on your unique and distinct desires and values.

I developed my proprietary Life Reset programme after I noticed that new personal training clients were often coming to me as a first step in a wider mission to reclaim and enrich their lives. Often these clients told me they wanted to fully overhaul their lives, but they didn't know where to start other than "trying to get fit". I soon realised that I needed to draw on my psychology background to create a programme to help women to look holistically across multiple areas of their lives to identify opportunities to grow and thrive.

What happens during a Life Reset?

Rise's Life Resets allow you to take a "helicopter view" of your life, helping you to bring balance in a way that increases meaning, purpose and joy. Essentially, you will be encouraged to think deeply about your life and where you want to be in a multifaceted way. In corporate terms, this activity would be described as an "enterprise-wide gap analysis".

At the start of a Life Reset, you will be guided through an exploration of where you are in your life right now across 10 different areas. You will then spend time describing where you would like to be in the future across each of these 10 areas. Your newly articulated vision of the future will then be brought to life through detailed goal-setting and action planning, while always checking back to ensure the outputs align with your personal values. You will be given loads of guidance and visual tools to gently steer you through the process.

Who typically seeks out a Life Reset?

Life Resets are incredibly flexible and can be beneficial at any stage of your life. In fact, I would encourage everyone to do something of this nature at least annually. People who are seeking their first Life Reset tend to be either in the "Grey Zone" or the "Red Zone". Grey zones are periods of your life where things are largely ticking along, but you have underlying feelings of dissatisfaction, frustration or malaise. Red zones are periods of major stress, which can force people to look inward. For example, bereavements, divorce, injury or illness, infertility, redundancies and children growing up or leaving home.

Life Resets are open to all women, regardless of whether they are existing personal training clients or not.


£150 which includes:

  • A 15 minute (no-obligation) discovery call where you will be taken through the Life Reset process in more detail

  • A two hour session where my Life Reset methodology and goal-setting tools will be applied

  • A digital report containing the outcomes of the session

  • A 30 minute follow-up meeting to assess progress

As part of life resetting, some clients feel they need to spend further time exploring a change in their careers. At Rise, we use the concept of Ikigai to help clients determine their next career move. An optional hour-long Ikigai-specific career session is available on request for £60.

Life Resets can either be done in person (GU9, GU10 and GU26 postcodes only), or via video conferencing.

Get in touch via our Contact page to arrange a non-obligation discovery call.


When all else fails, stop and take stock


Cohen, R., Bavishi, C., & Rozanski, A. (2016). Purpose in life and its relationship to All-Cause mortality and cardiovascular events. Psychosomatic Medicine, 78(2), 122–133.

Eakman, A. M. (2013). The Meaningful Activity Wants and Needs Assessment: A Perspective on Life balance. Journal of Occupational Science, 22(2), 210–227.

Hui, V. K., & Fung, H. H. (2008). Mortality anxiety as a function of intrinsic religiosity and perceived purpose in life. Death Studies, 33(1), 30–50.

Ishida, R. (2012). Purpose in Life (Ikigai), a Frontal Lobe Function, Is a Natural and Mentally Healthy Way to Cope with Stress. Psychology, 3(3), 272-276.